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144MHZ nine section Yagi antenna

November 28, 2023


.... YAGI (Yagi Antenna) should be regarded as the best kind of antenna in radio propagation efficiency. Because this antenna has high-gain directional characteristics, it is widely used in fixed-point long-distance Communication. In the industry of radio communication, this kind of antenna is usually used for long-distance communication. The hams usually use GP non-directional antenna to contact the other party, and then use the YAGI antenna to point to the other party's location, and then start Communication. In other words, this kind of antenna also needs to cooperate with an antenna rotator to achieve its effect, because if this antenna is not aimed at the other party's transmission point, the effect will be worse than the GP antenna without gain, so this antenna is in use. It is necessary to cooperate with a group of antenna rotation motors to achieve the best results!

Installation matters:

.......... This set of antennas is made of aluminum, and the materials can be bought in aluminum shops. If you can't find the materials in the production, you can use the damaged TV antenna to modify it.

.......... First mark the main dimensions clearly, then cut and drill holes. Be careful when drilling holes, the center hole must be perpendicular to the main, after the construction according to the picture, the most important thing is to adjust Corrected. When adjusting, the height of the antenna is preferably more than two meters above the ground, and away from metals and structures. First cross-link the antenna with the notch meter, fine-tune the capacitor at about 20 pF, adjust the short-circuit bar to make the antenna resonate at two Within the meter band, then remove the notch wave meter, connect the cable, the standing wave ratio meter, and the transmitter, and start to adjust the position of the capacitor and shorting bar to obtain the lowest standing wave ratio. The length of this antenna is about two meters, please install carefully Avoid construction near the high-voltage line. The antenna gain is about 15dB, the effect is satisfactory, and finally I wish you a successful experiment

Note: The walkie-talkie, "Taxi" car station, when transmitting, the signal is vertically polarized, and the outdoor antenna must also be vertically polarized.

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Ms. Zoe Zhong







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