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Wolf 2 "killing drone" has been terribly remote in the remote attack

October 23, 2023

With the time of day, geography, and people, "Warwolf 2", a rare domestic action movie that has been made over the past few years, blew up China with patriotic feelings, vivid characters and hot action scenes. Not only did it create a box-office miracle in the history of domestic movies, it also gained a good reputation from the tide.

In the movie, there are several scenes of exciting gunfights. It must be impressed that the villain used to counter Wu Jing's former special team member Leng Feng, and remotely used the drone with weapons installed to carry out remotely the crowd in the factory. The arrogant massacre was once devastating for the cold front.

In fact, civilian drones have been converted into weapons. It is no longer a novelty. It has also been used repeatedly in local wars in the Middle East. From the very beginning, ISIS converted the civilian drone into a self-detonating weapon, and later went further and upgraded it to a “bomber” capable of carrying grenades and explosives.

Most of these drones that have been refitted with weapons are products of Dajiang. This side door also confirms that the manufacturing technology of the “Daijiang” drone is indeed excellent and the technology is advanced. However, the well-endured private enterprises have been blatantly transformed into "arms dealers." Presumably, the "Dajiang" company's mind is also in a variety of ways.

Do not underestimate the drones that can be used to throw bombs after modification. They are not only cheap, simple to operate, easy to obtain, but also very stealthy, and at the same time they can cause huge kills. According to the video released on the Internet from abroad, terrorists used such small bombers to throw badminton bombs and other refit bombs. The results obtained were staggering. Even the largest number of American soldiers who claimed to be the "best in the world" would encounter problems.

In response to this situation, many companies have developed specialized drone jammers, but the actual operation in the field, the effect is not ideal, and those "small bombers" hit more and more deadly, more and more Accurate. In order to deal with these drones, the U.S. military has improved "stinger" single-aircraft missiles and developed missiles designed to kill small drones. There is even an "Avenger" weapon system that integrates "Stinger" missiles on the "Puma" truck platform, with a laser range finder and an advanced fire control system to protect against drones.

The aforementioned unmanned drones were civilian drones that were briefly modified by terrorists in the later stages to carry or throw bombs. The latest release of a drone has been specifically designed for war. According to foreign media reports, a Florida-based company named Duke Robotics has released a new quad-rotor UAV called TIKAD that can carry and operate a variety of firearms, including semi-automatic rifles and grenade launchers. This is made with the effects of the Wolf 2 inside. The drone that can shoot bullets is already the same.

Raziel Atuar, the company's co-founder, once had the experience of fighting in the armed forces. He felt the casualties of innocent civilians and the pain of losing his comrades in the long-term battle with terrorists. He also had complex situations to face in the war. This prompted him to create the idea of ​​designing a drone specifically for combat, because it can minimize the number of casualties.

TIKAD's R&D has been going on for a long time and was tested in actual combat in 2015. At that time it cooperated with the Israeli army in a civilian operation in a civilian area and achieved success. The latest models that have been improved are already capable of carrying and launching weapons weighing about 10 kilograms, before shooting accuracy and stability are even better.

While Duke Robotics displayed the latest TIKAD to the outside world, it also hoped to attract external investors and industrialize the TIKAD drone as soon as possible. There are rumors that the Israeli military has an intention to order TIKAD, and the US military is also very interested. If this drone can be put into production quickly, there may be a scene of a group of remotely piloted aircraft on the battlefield in the future.



Ms. Zoe Zhong







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